Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rain Rain and more rain

Woke up this morning with the thunder shaking the windows. Apparently the storms got pretty bad in Oklahoma I don't think we had any damage here but I won't know until I can get back into the woods to check for downed trees. My garden may or may not have been destroyed I think Ive lost at least one strawberry plant. But we will have to wait for everything to dry out to find out.

My house has gone to pot again. I went to do the dishes yesterday and the pipe under the sink was disconnected. Bear had to fix it when he got home. The kids woke up at 5:30 with the thunderstorm so I'm running on next to no sleep and my house is still a mess. On top of it my joints are all stiff and swollen again. I would call Dr. Himmler for an appointment but he wouldn't run any tests he would just say yeah you probably do have arthritis want some pain killers. Ive seen what pain killers did to other members of my family. I'll kill my heart and liver on Ibuprofen before I do that to myself. So there really isn't much point.

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